As we make our way through 2017, more and more working professionals are beginning to depend less on their brick and mortar offices. Across many industries, including the hospitality industry, they’re becoming more dependent on technological avenues as a means to get their work done.
Working off-site or from home used to be a luxury. But not anymore! Technology has changed the landscape of business, and that includes changing the way people work. Team members in many departments of your hospitality business from marketing to finance may be working from home full-time, part-time, or even just one day a week.
But enterprise mobility management still has prevalent challenges, and overcoming them is necessary if hotels are to continue growing and succeeding.
Enterprise mobility certainly offers flexibility and alternative productivity methods, but security risks are challenging factors to consider.
In fact, mobile devices have the lowest security ranking out of all technological devices.
Imagine that one of your employees downloads a business app to their iPhone. They may use it in any number of scenarios, from their home network to the network at the local coffee shop. Who knows if these networks are consistent and secure? How can you monitor this and ensure that business data is kept safe?
From a business perspective, quick and effective decisions are only made if everyone has access to the same information. While information is readily available, its accuracy is a potential challenge.
Company data is often kept in too many places, giving too many people access to it. As a result, when someone improves, adjusts, or completes a file’s up date, the correct file is as vulnerable as sheep are to wolves.
While accessing data is one thing, protecting it is something else.
Enterprise mobility takes more data out of the office and puts it on multiple devices with multiple users for later access. That means storing it, and sometimes, storage is not secure.
Technological speed and hang-ups are challenging concepts to ponder as one considers how many people will need IT support during a crash, threat, etc. Maintaining and testing multiple platforms is essential so as to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. Poor performance and speed are enterprise mobility challenges no company wants to deal with. In some instances, implementing provisions is necessary so as to maintain the most effective IT support.
Businesses need to ensure that they install the correct infrastructure to support the work they want to do and the goals they want to achieve.
But what if the challenges don’t come from a technological angle at all? What if they come from the personnel’s lack of skill?
As a result of using multiple technologies across a variety of platforms, enterprise mobility can only be successful if working seamlessly and securely — and this requires knowledge.
Technology and our dependence on it — both professionally and personally — has changed our culture. Landline phones, tube T.V.’s, and even some desktop computers have become antiques compared to what is available on the market today.
Employees not only need to know what their employers expect, but businesses should know what their employees expect.
Feeling lost? Kelley Technology Group can help! Contact us here to learn more about how we can address your hotel’s biggest technology challenges.